NLDS is formed with the objective of effectively leveraging ICT across the Indian Logistics Sector, inculcate best practices across the various processes and work towards bringing in efficiency in the supply chain. The company aims at bringing visibility and transparency in Logistics environment, streamline the operations across the supply chain and help in government’s plan of improving the Ease of Doing Business in India.

NLDSL was looking for a suitable and reliable One time use UHF RFID tags and RFID UHF Reader with Antenna for the LDB project at various locations in India to track and trace the movement of containers for better governance and complete transparent and visibility management for performance evaluation of ports, inland container depots (ICDs), container freight stations (CFSs) and supply chain industry.
-We have developed a RFID UHF Tag which was especially designed to work on containers.
-Tag is developed with a magnetic sheet and adhesive to ensure that it will not be dropped during the entire journey of the containers.
-RFID UHF 4 Por Reader along with the Circular Polarized Antenna is installed at every locations like ports, toll, CFS, ICD to track the movement of the containers through its entire journey.
-With the help of RFID System, LDB is getting near real time data of the containers to help user to track their containers and quality improvement of the entire system.